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What's a *tune up*?

Need to recharge your batteries mid day but don't have much time? While an hour or hour and a half massage or facial sounds like a great escape it doesn't always fit in to a busy day or budget. Introducing the 15 minute tune up! Think 'chair massage'... only you get to lay down.

At Studio Blu (alternating Mondays and Thursdays) Smooth offers 'Table Thai Tune ups' - which is a full body massage done through clothing using techniques such often used in sports massage such as compression, range of motion, and Thai stretching. The other option is Neck and Shoulder acupressure release - focusing on the upper body.

At Loves Park Chiropractic, Smooth offers Fijian barefoot or traditional Thai tune ups alternating Fridays. Both are done on heated floor mats and through clothing. No undressing or messy oil necessary. Site specific (ie upper or lower body) or full body. Fijian barefoot massage is done with the therapist's feet for a very deep yet relaxing massage. Thai is preformed with feet, knees, hands, and elbows for rhythmic compressions and stretching.


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